WOE News

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Keep it Positive

Maintaining a positive relationship with your child is essential to growing a healthy, emotionally fit child, teen, and adult. If your relationship isn’t ideal now, it’s important to take some steps to improving that relationship. There are many factors to consider:

  • Show an interest in your child’s extracurricular activities, whether it be sports, clubs, reading, or something else.
  • Turn off the electronics at dinner and eat together as a family. This supports the idea of family first and gives you time to have your child’s undivided attention. If this isn’t a routine now, she may first balk at the change. But she will thank you for this attention in the long run.
  • Be the parent. Your child has plenty of friends at school. Set rules at home and stick to them. Don’t bend the rules to avoid arguments; stick to them.
  • Spend time together. Sure, your family is a busy one, but find time on a regular basis to spend quality time together. It could be a weekly Friday night movie, a daily walk together, or some reading time at the end of a crazy day. Regular moments spent together will show your child that you value her company, which will reap rewards when the teen years hit!

In the end, just showing an interest in your child’s activities, engaging her in conversation on a daily basis, and spending time with her will improve your relationship immediately.

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