West Oso Elementary School

Welcome to West Oso Elementary School’s online home. We are part of the West Oso Independent School District located in Corpus Christi, Texas, and are home to nearly 450 wonderful second through fifth grade students. Here at WOE, we are proud to have some of the best students, parents, teachers, and administrators around. Established in 2000, our state-of-the-art facilities enhance student learning as we make yearly progress toward meeting our lofty goals and expectations.

A Message from Our Principal

Dear Community,

Welcome to our website! We are proud to present this communication vehicle, where you can stay up to date and informed about all our amazing programs and activities.

We recognize the importance of involving parents in the educational process. Research shows that when parents are actively involved in school, their children are absent less often, behave better, and, therefore, achieve more. Please visit our school and find out how you can get involved.


Marcy Davis

Marcy Davis, Principal