Clubs & Activities
Developing well-rounded individuals involves exposing them to opportunities that allow them to learn more about themselves and their community, broaden their world-view, and participate in clubs that develop and highlight their strengths.
Something for Everybody
We’re happy to be able to offer a variety of special programs, clubs, and activities that enhance our everyday learning. Students at WOE may enjoy participation in the following:
Bilingual Education
Under the guidance of West Oso ISD, we continue the district’s Early Exit Transitional Model in our third through fifth grades as follows:
Each grade level consists of one certified bilingual educator who services the students who qualify for the program. Teachers provide instruction and support in Spanish and English. They use the student’s native language to build literacy skills and academic concepts. As students progress academically, the teacher transitions the classroom lessons toward English-only and phases out instruction in the first language. Most students will exit from the program by the third or fourth grade. We continue to monitor exited students and provide the language support they require for at least two years
Teachers must be certified bilingual teachers and must include the student’s primary language in all academic content areas. The teacher must speak the student’s primary language.
Gifted and Talented Program
The gifted and talented program at West Oso Elementary is under the guidance of West Oso ISD. We at WOE embrace the philosophy of providing “an education in relation to each child’s ability to learn.” Gifted and talented students have learning styles and thinking abilities that demand challenging experiences outside of the educational norm. Therefore, our purpose is to ensure these students experience alternatives that teach, challenge, and expand their knowledge while stressing the development of an independent learner who can question, apply, and generate information.
Our school provides music classes for third and fourth graders under the direction of Michael Pérez. Mr. Pérez has grown this program from a choir to students learning to play and perform on a recorder. Students perform in various venues around Corpus Christi during the holidays and present an end-of-the-year recital.
The RoboBears, established under the direction of Gregorio Garza, is the robotics team for West Oso Elementary. Since the 2015-16 school year, our team has competed against other schools through the First Lego League and has placed with high honors every year.
We welcome fourth and fifth graders who are interested in being part of our 10-member team to a three-day seminar at the beginning of the year. During this seminar, students learn the basics of robotics. Dependent upon their performance, we’ll invite 10 students to join our elite team.
Student Council
A student council is a group of student leaders elected by their peers to represent them and serve as a liaison between the student body and the administration. The council to foster and strengthen school spirit and pride and serve our community. Our faculty sponsor is Kimberly Hamling.
UIL Academics
We participate in various University Interscholastic League (U.I.L.) academic activities under the direction of Elizabeth García and Angie Mende. Students compete in the areas of math, reading, writing, and art during the yearly competition. Our students always give it their all and showcase our school with much pride.